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Thursday, 24 March 2011

all good as March powers on - 1489 miles down. Big weekend ahead.

I thought i should post now as probably wont have time over the weekend. I am going to be lazy and get the bus in tomorrow! I am going to North Wales for a couple of massive off road days with the lads I really think it would be a good idea to have at least one rest day. So that's my excuse and I am sticking with it.

To recap - last weekend Kel and Jon came up and we went out for a couple of pootles. One around Rivington on the flat with the girls in the trailer, damn they are heavy but seemed to enjoy the trailer and it handled really well. The other around Lee Quarry making use of the new link route. Both short and simple but good to get my bike fitted back with the bouncy forks and big tires.

My spinning has been going well, I am finding that it takes me a good 20mins to warm up and then I am flying. I am also finding that my climbs can be very fast when i spin in the saddle but it is incredibly tireing. After i have 2 days off next weekend i will be able to really let loose and see how much power I can put down through fast moving pedals. I am very aware at the moment that I have a lot of riding planned and don't want to hurt myself.

Bike is good, legs are good and the weather has been good.

I have bought a bottom bracket bearing tool so hopefully will be bale to service that part of my bike for pennies in the future....

Oh, One final point, I wore my cycling shorts for the first time last night and it felt really good, much cooler. Maybe not in the fashion sense!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should share the photo of the shorts ;-)
