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Monday, 18 April 2011

Calculations calculatons

Right time to catch up on my figures - so I need to add a mile for each day I have ridden, which by reckoning is 61 days. I will add 61 miles to the total before adding on my recent mileage. So -
Total 1694miles up to the 4th April means I need to add 9 days or 243miles. New Total 1937 miles.

A fantastic ride home tonight - empowered with a light tail wind and the vision of hugs from the girls gave me an Avg Speed of 16.56mph!

I am e-mailing my data and will compile them at some point - the problem is though that each days has a lot of variables. Wind is the biggest factor, day of the week next, traffic last.

I am learning a lot about my riding though. My optimum cadence seems to be moving between, 95 and 105 this is where i am most powerful but letting it run up to 110 is good too and letting it drop down to 92 is ok. When i let it lower this far and i change up it can be quite hard though to push my cadence back up to match up the speed..... all good fun.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

new bits and new donations

Thanks to Pete and Steve for their donations this week - it really is very much appreciated.
I added Dave's 29er wheel to the fixed forks and fitted it with a 700c x 32 touring tyre which seems so thin but definitely evens out the rough ride. I also fitted a Sigma 1609 STS so now have a more accurate trip measurement - Apparently i am doing 27 miles a day not 26! Oops, I will have to add on a few miles then to my total. I was also able to measure other data from my ride - my average and top speeds but also time taken and most interestingly for me at the moment, my cadence. so the stats from today were.

Distance: 27 miles
Time taken: 1hr 49mins 36 secs
Morning time take: approx 53mins
Afternoon time taken: approx 54mins
Avg speed: 15.08mph
Max speed: 31.90mph
Avg cadence: 106 rpm

I did find myself doing something new as the last big climb levels out but remains a climb and that was to shift up a gear and spin up to a healthy cadence, I could see I was gaining about 2mph by doing this and I went from 10 to 16mph by doing this.

106 is a relatively high average cadence but strangely one i feel pretty happy with at the moment. MarkW suggested that it would be good for me to drop down slightly and power a bit more - we'll see. With my 14 progressive gears i need to do a little research but i suspect that a gear is about 10rpm so what i will need to do is learn to get out the saddle to spin up to speed and try to hold it at that pace, maybe letting it drop to 95 before changing.... not sure yet.

I will get some photos of my Frankenbike, or JekylnHydebike, or cutnshut. I love it, it's so ridiculously developed now, it's very me!

Excellant fun.